“The longer these measures persist, the greater the risk of atrophy setting in for small business across the country, making them less able to reopen in the future.”



Quotation from this piece by Brian Wesbury

Important: Whatever you can do over the next few weeks to keep small businesses up and running, please do it.

This means overpaying, heavily tipping, or writing a check for your missed visits. 

Critically important. 

Pick your small businesses and spend some money.  This country runs on these important enterprises. 

At our house, we have switched to a locally-owned grocery, and are doing whatever we can to help local businesses.

It is a wise investment.

As usual, Execupundit shows us how.

Friends, Target, Wal-Mart, and a dozen other mammoth merchants of disposable crap you don’t need will survive this virus.

Will your local bakery? How about that family owned restaurant? Or, up here, the independent hardware store?

Buy local. Buy from people, not corporations. Buy for life. Fuck fast fashion.